Just how does Chase Mole and Gopher RepellentTM
When ingested (with the insects in your lawn) it irritates the mole's
alimentary canal (digestive system). This "distress" drives the mole out
of the treated area. The product does not harm either the mole (or gopher)
or for that matter, the grubs and worms the moles eat. Some theorize that
the mole's skin is irritated by the active ingredient and that the smell
of the treated soil is also repugnant to the mole. Either way, it works.
Chase is organic, completely safe on lawns, shrubs and flowers and is
fully biodegradable.
Q: How do I use
Chase Mole and Gopher RepellentTM for "cone mounds?"
Attacking cone shaped Gopher dirt mounds (or ones made by deep burrowing
moles in hot months) has to be handled differently than when dealing with
a mole tunnel system in a lawn. With mounds, you'll need to remove the
loose soil and then dig a small hole in what was the center of the mound.
After that's done, mix two ounces of liquid Chase Mole and Gopher RepellantTMin
a gallon of water and slowly pour the solution into the depression. If
you're using the granular version, you can pour several hands full of
it in the hole and water it generously.
When using Granular Chase Mole and Gopher RepellentTM
do I water?
Yes and no. You can water it in to speed penetration into the soil, or
you can let Mother Nature do it with the next rain. Over time the granule
will decompose and release the repellent into the soil for a "time released"
treatment. In addition, the carrier used in the product is an all-natural
and fully biodegradable material that will benefit your lawn.
Do I need to water the lawn when I apply Chase liquid?
In most cases, yes. It is recommended that after application, you water
the lawn with a sprinkler. If the soil is reasonably moist, a ten minute
watering will suffice. If it is very dry, an application of one inch of
water is recommended. One great benefit of Chase liquid Mole and Gopher
Repellent TM is that it contains a special ingredient that makes water
"wetter," so that the active ingredient can penetrate the soil more easily.
Can I use liquid Chase Mole and Gopher RepellentTM
after a heavy rain?
Yes and no. If you have had a very heavy rain and the ground is saturated
with moisture, the treatment may not penetrate the soil sufficiently to
reach the level where the moles are operating.
Can I use granular Chase Mole and Gopher RepellentTM
after a heavy rain?
You sure can! Applying it to wet soil works just fine. The moisture begins
the granule dissolving process and Chase Mole's active ingredient begins
to leech from the granule into the soil almost immediately.
Should I treat the whole yard at once?
Yes you can. This approach works well most of the time. Another strategy
that has proved to be effective is to "move" the moles in the direction
you'd like them to exit your property. To do that, apply Chase to one-third
of the area to be treated, beginning with the one furthest from the direction
you want them to leave. If you want to move them from your flower garden
toward a fence, begin at the garden. Then (at one or two day intervals),
apply the product to the other areas closer to the fence, ending with
the one nearest to it. This approach is particularly effective when the
area to be treated is large.
Which spreader setting should I use with the granular product?
It depends on your spreader. The recommended application rate is about
one ounce per 125 square feet (about 12'X10"), or a 8 ounce cup full per
1,000 square feet, (about ten normal walking paces square in size). The
bag shows also a picture of the approximate amount that you should see
on a flat surface.
Q: How does Chase Deer and Rabbit repellent work?
The formula for this highly effective product combines two proven repellent
methods. The dual approach Chase formula uses three proven repellents:
Castor Oil, a (very hot) Pepper Oil and a highly concentrated Garlic Oil.
Those three natural ingredients are fairly traditional repellents.
The second part of the dual system depends on the use of, putrefied egg,
fish oil and fish meal. All three of those are flesh based and are repugnant
to both deer and rabbits. That's important because both deer and rabbits
are herbivores. They won't eat anything but vegetation. In truth, deer
will only normally eat non-leafy vegetation (like corn and grains) if
fresh leafy foliage isn't readily available. (The exception is that they
really love fruits and vegetables.)
Q: Can I use Chase Deer Repellent in rainy weather?
To work properly, the spray needs to be applied to the foliage when it's
dry. After it's been applied (and has dried), neither rain nor sprinkling
will have much effect on it. That's because the fish oil used in the product's
"double action" repellent approach also resists water wash off.
How does Chase assist in healing damage to plants?
The fish oil contained in the product forms a barrier on the plant's leaves
that reduces moisture loss and lessens light frost damage. In addition,
it provides micro level nutrition to the plant through its leaves, allowing
the plant to regain a good deal of the vigor that was lost because of
deer and rabbit damage.